
Employees - Types and Measures

Employees – Types and Measures

We in the HR are the ones who interact with the human capital on a daily basis and come across a varied range of personalities. I have been working in the HR Domain for quite some time now and had interacted with quite a few of different types of employees who were different from each other in many aspects but at the same time shared some similarities as well. As we are with the human beings, what else can we expect?  Each one of them will be having same challenges but in a different way. Various behavioral analysis systems have been developed to analyze these which interpret the behavioral patterns.
We need to maintain a good relationship with our employees as this is factor which contributes towards the better productivity, motivation and morale lifting. This is concerned with preventing and resolving problems involving individuals who arise out of or affect or work situations.
Based on my experience and discussing with some of the veterans of this HR Domain, we bucketed employees in the below categories.
01.   Susta (Lazy – Doing Nothing)
02.   Trasta (Frustrated – Worried for Everything)
03.   Vyasta (Busy – Doing Everything)
04.   Masta (Happy – Enjoying Work)

We also tried listing some of the common characters which the above four type of employees showed.
01.   Susta – These people are not very focused on their work but will be someone who will normally twiddling their thumbs. Such people will take frequent breaks; be it lunch or snacks or smoke or nature calls. These people may appear to be glued to their computers but doing everything else other than doing their work. These guys will be surfing the web for waste without any definite motive in the mind. Every now and then these guys will call-in for sick leave and will love to sit back. And to top all these things, they will be complaining continuously about the work-load.

02.    Trasta – Such category of people will be very low on the motivational levels. They may feel very uncomfortable in the office. Such people will not like mingling with team members but would prefer to live in self-seclusion. These guys will feel quite uncomfortable in the office. This class of people is good at finding problems in anything and everything but when asked about the solution, they will not have an answer. Such people arise on the spur of the moment spontaneously.

03.   Vyasta – This is a peculiar class of people who can see a mountain in a mole. Be how much so ever easy task it may but these people will see that as a marathon exercise. Such people will be very busy and will be in rash always. They will say yes to everyone and everything without even analyzing the pros and cons, or any other analysis. But this should not imply that they will not meet the deadlines rather they will meet the deadlines but with a last minute rush. For them, everything will be pending till the last minute. Such people will be stressed with some unwanted occupations.

04.   Masta – This is the class of people with whom you would love to work and will cherish the memories. These people not only do their work but they enjoy it truly. Such people exhibit great self-control never get carried away. Such people are Grateful to their fellow colleagues. Such people have good social life and share good relationship with their team mates and other people in the organization. This class is the real CLASS which devises a very positive philosophy that provides meaning to their lives and work.

After having talked about the characteristics of the major categories of employees, let’s get some measures those will actually be needed to address the behavioral patterns.
01.   Susta – For this category of employees, we need to build a proper report to make them understand their drawbacks and how to work upon the same. All the breaks taken by them should be kept under record. With the proper evidences in palace, employee should be confronted. Suggest and prepare a time-line based work plan for them and make them understand the objective and meaning of the same. Make them aware of the consequences of any deviations in the devised plan. Facilitate them with required and relevant tools and trainings. If required, put them on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). If they show some good improvement on being under PIP, they can be taken out of PIP and can be subjected for normal Performance Review.
02.   Trasta – For such people counseling is the must and should be arranged without any delay. The causes for their behavior should be mapped and they should be counseled at the personal level as well as at the job related front. All required and genuine support should be extended. Such people can be subjected to some Time Management Trainings as well which will make them understand and redefine the priorities and make them aware of time allocation skills. Such people should be motivated to work as a team. A Masta buddy shall be assigned to such people who will be interacting with them on a regular basis and understand their concerns. We should make them feel accountable and important to make them come out of that Trasta zone and become Masta.
03.   Vyasta – This class of people also needs a Time Management Training and should be coached on the prioritizing skills. Such people should be made aware of the importance of the team work. They should be coached on the delegation skills. Such people shall be trained on Risk, Time and Project analysis skills. Also, if some project management training of any level is provided to them; they can certainly improve upon their behavioral part and can partner the growth.
04.   Masta – Now the obvious question that comes to our mind is if this class is already enjoying, what can we do? All of us know that any state of mind is a resultant of the external as well as internal factors. External is the environmental aspect and internal is the personal aspect. We should support such people in good as well as the bad times. We should appreciate them on their good works and should guide them in case of any misses. A regular interaction should be maintained with such people as these can be the internal branding agents who will make the environment of the organization much more congenial and a better place to work. If in case they need some adjustments, help them with that.

This reminds me of my Desk board where I have kept some quotes. How I have defined the Ideal Employee as:-
  • ·         Should be dependable.
  • ·         Should be high on honesty and integrity.
  • ·         Should have positive and proactive attitude.
  • ·         Should have willingness to learn and work.
  • ·         Should make use of time optimally.

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